Technical Wood Properties for Southern Yellow Pine
Technical information about Southern Yellow Pine from
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- Scientific Name, Other Names: Pinus spp, Loblolly, Taeda, Slash Pine, Radiata Pine
- Description: Southern Yellow Pine is wide range of species with varying densities and strengths.
- Janka Hardness: 750 pounds
- Strength (MOR): 13,500 psi
- Stiffness (MOE): 1,786 1000 psi
- Density (KG/m3): 650
- Tangential Shrinkage: 7.4%
- Radial Shrinkage: 4.8%
- About:
- Family:
- Tree Characteristics:
- Geographic Area: Southeastern United States
- Color: Pale Yellow
- Photosensitivity:
- Luster:
- Grain: Coarse
- Texture: Fine
- Drying Characteristics: Dries easily and quickly. Dimension grades can be dried in 24-48 hours.
- Working Characteristics:
- Durability Rating: Low.
- Applications: General construction, framing, light duty trailers.
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